Applicant dress styles

April Showers ruined my view of applicants by the email thread. So, I thought I would retaliate by asking you all about applicant dress styles.
When did it become okay to come to an interview for a bank teller position dressed in jeans and a cropped shirt?
Or, the person who came in to fill out an application wearing a spagetti strap top that didn't cover her plaid bra straps and short shorts that were too small for my 8 year old!!!! 8-|
How does "applicant dress code" compare at your businesses?
When did it become okay to come to an interview for a bank teller position dressed in jeans and a cropped shirt?
Or, the person who came in to fill out an application wearing a spagetti strap top that didn't cover her plaid bra straps and short shorts that were too small for my 8 year old!!!! 8-|
How does "applicant dress code" compare at your businesses?
Anne in Ohio
I think it was the cape that did it for me. We hired her. She turned out to be a really sweet, honest, hard working, unusual person.
We hired the guy who came dressed in a suit and tie. Of course, he commanded a higher salary. I argued that we should hire Mr. Casual since he was dressed consistent with our policy and we could get him for a lower salary. When it came it job knowledge, they were pretty much equal. Well, we ended up hiring the suit for about $10k a year more.
I don't know how some of you make it through the interviews you have described!Lucky for me I don't do any of the interviewing!! I just sort through the resumes for managers to help them get through the pile faster.
I just spent time with my girlfriend at the department store this week looking at business suits, shoes etc. for her upcoming interviews. It's amazing how much time and $ she is putting into making the right first impression, but it's even more amazing that some people just don't care at all!
In answer to your question, I would much rather do an interview than paperwork. People are what make the job for me. And if some of these interviews weren't unusual, what would I talk about. I know no one who really cares about ERISA etc. Therefore, I am not making through the interviews, I enjoy them. (Did I just change the topic slightly again?)
Perhaps I've gone over to the "older generation" with my disapproval of showing belly buttons, bra straps, and thong underwear with low rider jeans.
Argh! I'm becoming my mother!
Does anyone send people away from interviews if they don't come properly dressed?
Margaret Morford
What if I bring a note from my doctor?
Margaret Morford