It's the law!

A recent post about a requirement (generally not true) to have two employees working at all times brought this to mind: What's your favorite misconception firmly held by employees about employment law? I'll start out with a couple:
An employer cannot fire someone without a good reason (see discussion about 'at will' employment)
You have to give me a lunch break (not in Wisconsin for employees 18 and over)
On the other hand, there is a requirement in WI that employers provide 'adequate seating' for employees in manufacturing, mechanical, and mercantile establishments to use when employees aren't performing their duties. I've often wondered if you didn't provide breaks or lunch, whether that would negate the need to provide seating??
What are your favorites?
An employer cannot fire someone without a good reason (see discussion about 'at will' employment)
You have to give me a lunch break (not in Wisconsin for employees 18 and over)
On the other hand, there is a requirement in WI that employers provide 'adequate seating' for employees in manufacturing, mechanical, and mercantile establishments to use when employees aren't performing their duties. I've often wondered if you didn't provide breaks or lunch, whether that would negate the need to provide seating??
What are your favorites?
Every illness is covered by FMLA.
You can never terminate anyone over the age of 40.
"I just want you to know, I've got me a lawyer, and he says as long as nobody can say I appeared to be hurt already, I can always claim it happened right here at work. He said just as long as I didn't get the cast until one day after I told the supervisor about it. So I went by those rules."
But no one told me that I couldn't wear a see through shirt and no bra.
That's really nice. You're firing me because I'm sick. I'll see what my lawyer has to say about this.
"Hey, my taxes have to be filed tomorrow and I lost my W-2 so you are required to Fed-Ex a new one to me!"
"Yes, I know it's 4:30 p.m. on April 15. There had better be a replacement W-2 waiting for me at the receptionist's desk when I get there in 15 minutes."
>go missed 160 hours (paid sick time) in 15 months.
Mentel: Be very, very certain that you DO NOT use that as an analysis point in your reasoning. If you did get down to the performance level or discipline analysis in determining who would be let go, you would not be wise to let 'sick leave' enter the equation. The old 'thin ice' thing surfaces here.
If I am not mistaken though, didn't I read it on this website that they talked about men taking off FMLA to care for a newborn child and it was allowed for them? The only thing was if the man and woman both worked for the same company they could only take 12 weeks between technically a man COULD take off for maternity leave..couldn't he?
"Must give me a 15 minute break every four hours." (Not in Missouri!)
"FMLA will let me take off when I want for my elective procedure and you have to work around it."
And my VERY FAVORITE..........
"I'd like to exercise my rights and waive my FICA." (A $28,000/yr employee)
In the same vein, we had one employee demand that we *pay him* for not taking our health insurance coverage. Said that it was his right as an employee to be reimbursed for the cost of the insurance that he had found on his own...!
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible..." ~ Walt Disney
The group insurance program for state employees in Texas is called the Uniform Group Insurance Program. One evening, a custodian who was emptying the HR wastebaskets found some paperwork with this title and passed it on to a cook. Next day, the cook came into HR and demanded indignantly, "Why didn't y'all tell us we were supposed to get insurance for our uniforms!?"