POLL: How and how far do you commute? How is it?

Just wondering about all you FORUMites !.
For me,after I moved, I drive 87 miles each way, mostly through open space
so there isn't much traffic going my direction.
For me,after I moved, I drive 87 miles each way, mostly through open space
so there isn't much traffic going my direction.
Good luck to all of you driving great distances with all this winter weather and/or rain that so many parts of our country have been receiving of late.
No wonder there was an accident! Can't someone keep those critters off the highway?
A bad day is when traffic comes to a halt while I'm at the top of the bridge--then I have to practice my deep breathing and relaxation techniques while I avoid at all costs looking down! Of course, there's still the slight up and down motion of the bridge as the traffic passes on the other side....
Living close to your job is wonderful -- the only downside is that when people out in the hinterlands can't get to work during the rare Central Texas winter storm, I'm one of the few people who must show up. This is fresh on my mind since today is the first day most people came back to work after a freak two-day ice storm. Guess that means I'm entitled to goof off today!
Thankfully now I work about 4 miles from home, and in 10 minutes I am at work. It's made such a difference in my quality of life. And when I have to put in more hours ( which is the majority of the time), I no longer feel "beat up" by the time I get to work.
I live 17 miles from our General Office where I worked for 17 years. The GO became over crowded and a branch office was built in the town where I live, so now I am 7 miles away from work and it takes me about 15 minutes to drive to work. The commute to the General Office has progressively gotten worse. It used to take me about 45 minutes to drive the 17 miles assuming there were no accidents etc. Now when I need to drive there, it takes an hour plus.
Next time you are stuck in traffic - look around and you will see that 90% of the cars just have a driver. THIS IS THE PROBLEM...
On dry days (yes, we have those in Oregon) I walk four blocks to the beach and then approx 1/2 a mile up the beach then I veer east towards the street, cross the street, and I am there!
Here is the view that I enjoy along my commute:
Paul in Cannon Beach, OR
That is NOT fair! I only live about 15 minutes from my office, but since I occupy the industrial city of Houston, I have a lovely view of the Shell and Lyondell Refinery on my commute. My husband is a minister, so if you know of any Oregon churches that could use one..let me know..I could handle moving up there I think!! :0))
>in America.
>On dry days (yes, we have those in Oregon) I walk four blocks to the
>beach and then approx 1/2 a mile up the beach then I veer east towards
>the street, cross the street, and I am there!
>Here is the view that I enjoy along my commute:
>Paul in Cannon Beach, OR
Paul, you are so evil to rub it in!
Commuting used to be unheard of around here because you had to drive so far to get to the next town (at least an hour). But, with the economy the way it is, more and more people are tackling the drive to bigger towns.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
I can't say "completely" first came to mind, but....