Signs of the times

This is not at all a funny post so move on if you are feeling happy. Hired a great young man who started Monday, got his orders today for deployment up to one year. This is the third full time employee (so far) who was pretty much here yesterday gone today. All politics aside, this is one nostaligic elder who thinks I may be too old for one more war. Not looking for any response here, just needed to say it somewhere. Thanks.
Desert Storm saw more of the same in my workplace. Deaths, lives torn apart, etc. I don't look forward to another war, but I hope we, indeed, take care of this situation once and for all so that we don't have to go through this again. I hate war, but I hate some egomaniac endangering the entire world just as much.
My parents lived under the Japanese occupation in Manila. They were lucky to have survived. The city was ruined when the Americans came to liberate the people. It was here, that I was born in 1946. After several years, we moved for a better life in Cebu. Later on, I moved to America.