Dilbert - Employee Problems

Come to think about it, this is my very first initiation of a post. As I was reading Dilbert on Saturday, it reminded me of some of the problems that are described in the posts. The three frames are as follows:
1. Pointed headed boss is sitting between Dilbert and a new guy. He is introducing the new guy "We saved money by hiring a guy who's had many personal problems."
2. Looking towards Dilbert, he explains "but we're sure he was just unlucky; no one would invite that many problems into his life."
3. The new guys' cellphone rings and he answers "yes, of course your ex-boyfriend can stay with us untill the choppers leave and he sobers up."
1. Pointed headed boss is sitting between Dilbert and a new guy. He is introducing the new guy "We saved money by hiring a guy who's had many personal problems."
2. Looking towards Dilbert, he explains "but we're sure he was just unlucky; no one would invite that many problems into his life."
3. The new guys' cellphone rings and he answers "yes, of course your ex-boyfriend can stay with us untill the choppers leave and he sobers up."
I love Catbert.
Something tells me that Gillian either (1) Has no problems, (2) Is ashamed of his problems, or (3) He has a goldfish bowl on his desk labelled 'Dilbert Says' and the bowl has hundreds of little fortune cookie size papers. Each time he has a problem at work, Gillian just closes his eyes and reaches into the jar for his solution. Why would he do that, you might ask? Gillian realizes he is in California and it doesn't really matter what solution he finds because the CA DOL will make the ultimate decision anyway. There must be a Dilbert cartoon in here somewhere. So, we're still waiting for the analysis on Gillian.
I wonder if Dilbert is from California? :-?