The Funniest Job App

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-09-02 AT 09:34AM (CST)[/font][p]Someone who thought they would make a perfect "Director of Promotions" for our poulty industry client because they currently work as a chicken inspector "checking the temperature of chickens, discarding chickens that are rotten and inedible. x:D
That was my most recent. What was yours?
That was my most recent. What was yours?
Of course I said "No, not necessarily" but I was thinking that attempted murder shows a lack of follow through.
Guess what. She did not get the job.
Regarding funny job applicants - a bunch of years ago I received a thank you letter from a female applicant who wrote that she would do anything to get that job. No, I did not follow up nor did she get hired.
Actually, that told me quite a bit about her.
On the flip side, there is an application somewhere in a warehouse with my name on it and a big M for moron written over the front.
When I was 16 I applied for a job in a department store. The manager asked me when I got out of school. I thought he meant when I graduated. I said "umm I think its around mid-june". The manager paused and said, "What time do you get out of school?" Now I began to get nervous because I thought he wanted to know the exact time I graduated!
I don't remember exactly what I said next. He repeated the question in about three different ways but my mental block was firmly in place and there was no getting around it. I didn't get hired.
As I rode my bike home dejectedly it hit me like a ton of bricks: 3 p.m.
1) The person who wrote in the blank about have you ever been known by any other name? "Yes, Silent Fury" Turns out that was her radio name. I try not to think about why she chose that as a DJ name!
2) The person who checked the felony box yes and their explanation was "At a very tender age, I made a big mistake."
3) The person who stated in writing on his application that his reason for leaving his last job was "His supervisor was an ass hole." Perhaps true, but shows a decided lack of judgement and discretion!
Margaret Morford
Margaret Morford
I recently had an applicant for an opening we had in our warehouse. In the "Position Desired" blank, the individual wrote "Whorehouse position". Unfortunately, we haven't started that division yet.
You know, probably everything would probably go better with a little song around the office.
"Attention to detail" is listed as one of the applicant's strengths on a resume that is riddled with errors of all kinds...
Makes you wonder...
I didn't even look at the resume I'm afraid.