Winter Storm Policy

It's that time of year here in the Northeast. We currently have a storm pay policy and a "Storm Information Line" that staff can call to find out if the office is closed due to inclement weather. The management would like to do away with the this hot line and simply let staff know that we are a national service organization and therefore will not be closing the office due to storms, however, no staff is required to work on storm days.
Does anyone have a similar policy or do you have any thoughts on putting this message out to staff?
Does anyone have a similar policy or do you have any thoughts on putting this message out to staff?
My personal opinion is when a disaster is declared ie evacuation or people are told to stay off the roads, administrative leave is in order for non essential. People who must come in, should get 1 1/2 time. In non declared, allowing use of PTO is ok.
Sorry for the long answer but we have battled this ad nauseum. . not cut and dried. .As to getting the word out, we used a memo. .could also use payroll stuffer, company web page etc.