Capris, yes, but I recently had to give a verbal warning to an office staff member who showed up in capris with the old-fashioned flip-flops. The only thing missing was an umbrella drink.
uggh! Don't get me started on the flip-flops. My biggest pet peeve. However, I refuse to be the fashion police. But to answer your question, we do allow capris, but we do not allow the long, slim fitting shorts. I forget what they are called but seem to be the rage this summer. They stop at the knee or just below, and are slim fitting. Capris usually stop just above the ankles or mid calf.
We have several retail outlets, and we do not allow anyone that is selling or has extensive customer face to face contact to wear capri pants.
However, employees in our call centers or in business offices that do not have a lot of contact with the public are allowed to wear capri pants. Allowing capri pants at these locations has really added a boost to our morale.
We do not! This is a sore point with a few of our employees. We are a very old and very conservative bank. We only started allowing our ladies to wear dress sandals (with hose) this month for the first time. I am sure this depends alot on the type of busienss that you are in...
We dropped the hosiery requirement when we added capris. In two of our branches it gets very hot behind the teller line due to window location, so this was a big hit. Our CEO is very old-fashioned (21 years at the helm here), but I think his wife may have influenced him a bit on this one.
Gaudy or not our policy has always been if any part of the leg or feet are not covered by skirt, dress, pants, etc. or foorwear, they must be covered by hose or socks. This is true for men and women. I should have added it wasn't just sandals but this is the first time we have allowed open toe and/or open back footwear to be worn as well. Every great journey must begin with the first step... As someone mentioned... our current President/CEO has been here for 31 years and our previous President, now Chairman and still very active has been with the bank for over 50 years.
But to answer your question, we do allow capris, but we do not allow the long, slim fitting shorts. I forget what they are called but seem to be the rage this summer. They stop at the knee or just below, and are slim fitting. Capris usually stop just above the ankles or mid calf.
However, employees in our call centers or in business offices that do not have a lot of contact with the public are allowed to wear capri pants. Allowing capri pants at these locations has really added a boost to our morale.
However writes your dress code policy obviously doesn't watch TLC's "What Not to Wear". Sandals with hose? How gaudy! x:o
I should have added it wasn't just sandals but this is the first time we have allowed open toe and/or open back footwear to be worn as well.
Every great journey must begin with the first step...
As someone mentioned... our current President/CEO has been here for 31 years and our previous President, now Chairman and still very active has been with the bank for over 50 years.
Tell that to a turkey at Thanksgiving.