Dress Code
Good Afternoon.
Does anyone have a Dress Code Policy for light industrial manufacturing? I am beginning to get ee's arriving to work in mid-drift tops and spaghetti straps....HELP!!
Does anyone have a Dress Code Policy for light industrial manufacturing? I am beginning to get ee's arriving to work in mid-drift tops and spaghetti straps....HELP!!
Field Representatives, Mechanics and Drivers are expected to present a clean and neat appearance. Acceptable attire includes pants with long legs, such as slacks, jeans or overalls, shirts with sleeves and boots, leather shoes, or athletic shoes with skid resistant soles. Shorts, jogging/sweat suits, tank tops, halter tops, thongs, midriff shirts, sandals, non skid resistant tennis shoes, torn or faded jeans or T-shirts (w/picture or logos) are considered inappropriate attire. Additionally, Drivers and Mechanics are required to comply with the personal protective equipment section of JBC Policy 60.1.
I know the answer to that question, but I'm sure it would be censored here.
I also have a safe work practices and a safety policy if you have need to those let me know.
Under no circumstances may employees wear halter tops, strapless tops, spaghetti straps, tank tops, cropped tops, clothing with offensive wording, clothing that shows undergarments (sheer), torn clothing, clothing with holes in it, or tight-fitting, revealing, or oversized clothing. All clothing must be clean, neat, and fit properly. [NOTE: This eliminates the low-slung pants look.] Safe, neat, and clean shoes should be worn at all times.
You can find the full policy after logging in with your password on the home page. You may fashion the policy however you, uh, see fit for your own situation. Call me if you need help finding it. tk
(615) 661-0249, ext. 8068