Sorry, but No Thanks Letter

Does anyone have a letter to send to candidates who applied for a position, were interviewed and rejected? I had one, but the COO wants to look at other eaxmples. You can e-mail me at [email][/email] - Thanks
Maybe some Forumites might post samples here???
Thank you for your interest in our recent opening for and for the time you took to interview and observe the duties of the position. After careful consideration we have selected the candidate whose skills and experience most closely match the requirements of the job. We will keep you in mind for future openings with the company.
How do you say that nicely?
Thank you for applying for our (insert position here). The selection committee responsible for reviewing candidates for that position has carefully reviewed all applications and resumes received. A decision has been made not to evaluate your candidacy to the next level. We do appreciate your interest in opportunities at (insert company here,) and encourage you to reapply as future positions are announced.
The one I use that I've posted on the Forum several times is:
Dear....Thank you for your interest in opportunities at XXX. Our selection and review committee has decided to broaden our search; therefore, our recruitment period for the abc opening will remain open. Again, thank you for your interest and we wish you the best in your pursuits.
If the candidate HAS been interviewed, add a sentence thanking them for their time. Short and sweet, no reasons for the rejection, no promises, no invitation to reapply, leaves no perception that they ought to call you. If I got it in the mail I would simply go away, which is your hope anyway, I assume.
(edit) I also have some thoughts about your COO micro-managing something as mundane as a rejection letter; but, I will keep that to myself. You have my prayers.
Thanks so much for getting back with me. Does this mean that I don't fit the needed requirements or are you still considering me as an applicant? I just want to be sure I understand your email. I do really appreciate you getting back with me.
So, I'm going to tweak a little more.
(edit): I plagurized Safety's and said "We have decided to not advance your application to the next level." instead of broadening the search and leaving the recruitment period open.
I have, on occasion, told someone, "You have called me so often that you have frankly talked yourself out of an interview". Or, "John, I have tried my best to clarify our procedure and timeline for you. I have asked you to observe our requirements to not call. I have told you that you will be advised of our decision. Your continued telephone calls have removed you as a potential candidate for this position."
I don't say 'resume' or 'application', instead I use the word candidacy, which encompasses every possibility.
Usually it is not necessary to send this type of communication to a candidate; but, when they call and call and email and write, etc., it is sometimes the only way to maintain your sanity.
I am numb and basically unresponsive to the candidate who tries to seize control and ask questions about why they were not advanced or why they were not selected or what was it about their candidacy that was less than our requirements.