Signature Sheet

We reimburse some of our employees for college credits in order to make him/her qualified for the jobs they were hired for. (They are qualified when we hire, but federal regs have been changing and we need to get our ee's up to par) I need a form that states that we will pay for these courses, but if they leave before 2 years they owe us the cost of the courses taken. We would like to pro-rate it, for example if they leave after 6 mos, they owe 75%, 1 year 50% etc....
Is this something anyone else has encountered? Do you forsee a problem with this, such as it could look too much like a contract for employment? If anyone has a form similar to this, please email me at [email][/email]. THANK YOU!
Is this something anyone else has encountered? Do you forsee a problem with this, such as it could look too much like a contract for employment? If anyone has a form similar to this, please email me at [email][/email]. THANK YOU!