Employee of the Month

We are looking at implementing an Employee of the Month program. Do
you have a policy with criteria? What is the reward,recognition for the person selected?
you have a policy with criteria? What is the reward,recognition for the person selected?
Our program is a way to acknowledge publicly an employee's outstanding contributions or performance, or extraordinary results; for example, customer/patient relations, professional competence, interpersonal skills within and outside their department, quality job performance, positive feedback from internal or external sources, other departments, etc.). Nominations can be made by one or more employees or managers. Each nomination (submitted on a form that's available in a couple of locations in our facility)remains active for three months.
Nominees are reviewed and selected monthly by a committee composed of our Divisional VPs and HR. The presentation, pre-arranged with their manager, remains a surprise for the selected employees. They are recognized (in their department during working time) by the committee with balloons, a cake, a $75 gift certificate good at area restaurants, and a 3-month parking pass to a gated lot not open to the public or employees. There also is "Employee of the Month" recognition in our in-house publications and a permanent name/ department/month plaque for each employee on our EOM Board.
We did it this way so that each department had an opportunity to be recognized.