Smoking Policy

I am HR Manager in a manufacturing firm in Ohio with employee population of 110. We currently allow associates in manufacturing to smoke in the break room and, given our associates are $7-9/hour associates - many of whom smoke, we've not wanted to take this "benefit" away. However, we are experiencing several problems with complaints and want to change the policy to allow smoking in another designated area - preferably outside the building. This may seem like a no-brainer; however, we are an organization who tries to offer as many ancillary benefits - especially given our low salaries.

Any help would be appreciated.

Michelle from Ohio


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Here's a suggested approach:

    "To all associates. Effective immediately, in the interest of our total employee population, the company no longer allows smoking inside the facility. This includes the area designated for breaks. The only smoking areas at xyz company effective immediately are X and Y."

    Smoking in breakrooms is a terrible inconvenience and slap to your non-smokers who also cherish their comfort on breaks. I'm a reformed 3 pack a day smoker who isn't terribly bothered by smoke myself; however, I favor having no smoking anywhere in the building, period. I would either provide nothing or perhaps go to minimal effort to provide something outside. Perhaps marble benches in the shape of coffins with piped in music, say, containing a variety of coughs and gags.
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