Scheduled Pay Day is a Holiday - HELP

When our scheduled pay date falls on a Federal Holiday, we have historically changed the pay date to the next business day. For example, I have a scheduled pay date for Thanksgiving Day, but we plan to pay on Friday. One of my employees directed me to the Industrial Commision of Arizona's website ([url][/url]) where the answer to a FAQ indicates that we must pay on or before the holiday. I called the ICA and neither of two agents could tell me what state or federal law that answer is based upon. They eventually sent me to the director's voice mail. I've searched the US DOL and Arizona Revised Status websites and came up with nothing. Does anyone know if there is a federal or Arizona law that stipulates that I must pay on or before a holiday?
I am sure paying late upsets many employees and can cause morale issues. If your government website says you must pay early, then I wouldn't wait around trying to find the exact code. Your employees will be able to use the website as an authoritative source and you might find yourselves on the wrong end of a lawsuit.
Good luck!
Forget about searching for a way to delay payday. Start the holiday season with a hearty "Happy Thanksgining" as you hand out pay checks on Wednesday.
That is not the way I interpret it. I read it that the employee must be paid by that day. If you pay after because you close on that holiday, that is your choice. Even if it is a legal holiday, your organization made the choice to call it a paid holiday and not have employees come in to pick up their paychecks. Remember, courts always interpret the law to the advantage of the employee.
Good luck!
Our practice is to pay on the 25th. If the 25th is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, we pay early. I agree with the others that it would be a nice thing to do for your employees, regardless of what the regs say.