Last Day and Final Pay

I am curious if an employee must physically be at work/worksite to get paid for their last day? For example, I have an employee who put in a week's notice today (her last day will be 10/31). She will be at work Mon and Tuesday, but had a scheduled vacation for Wed-Friday (this being her last day). I keep thinking our payroll person did not like the idea of this in a similar instance....not sure if it is a payroll regulation? Can anyone enlighten me if there is a relevant payroll law and a reason this would not be OK? Thanks.
I too am in Missouri and I do not know of any State regulation that would require an ee to be physically at work on their last day of employment. Over the years we have had multiple ee's not return from medical leaves, vacation, etc. and this had impact on our processing of their last payroll check.
Good luck!
P.S. If you don't have a policy on this, it is time to write one up.