What a time to be working on 2009 budgets. With all the financial distress that is going on our GM and Board are cutting corners every where. How much of a wage increase do you plan to give for 2009?
Each December we do a survey on raises. I'm not sure if this will be helpful, but here's the link to last year's raises survey results. We'll update the info but basically ask the same questions in December. We'll start this year's survey on December 1.
2009 Budget - wage increases will be at our usual 3% (3% is the max that a supervisor can turn in, anything in excess of 3% must have prior approval of the Div. President).
Wendi, thanks, I came here expressly to find this.
Can you tell me where the surveys live on this site? I always spend minutes looking for them, for some reason they aren't obvious to me on the home page.
We just did our increases. They stayed at 3%. Since 1998 we have had one year at 2.5% and one year at 3.5%; all other years have been 3%.
We also look at job descriptions and increase job ranges to keep competitive every other year. Employees automatically get a proportionate raise in addition to the 3% whenever we decide a job range must be increased.
Also, no merit increases this year
But glad we still have jobs. .
Can you tell me where the surveys live on this site? I always spend minutes looking for them, for some reason they aren't obvious to me on the home page.
We also look at job descriptions and increase job ranges to keep competitive every other year. Employees automatically get a proportionate raise in addition to the 3% whenever we decide a job range must be increased.
2008 was actually a better year for us than 2007.