If you posted and it's not here, please post again

Dear Forumites,

There was a problem with the last thread in this area. When we fixed it, that thread was deleted. If you are the person who posted that thread, please post again. We are looking to see if any other threads might have been deleted as well. If you posted something since May 1 and it's not there, please post again. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Wendi Watts


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Wendi,

    I thought you guys got the computer gremlins fixed a couple of month's ago. Does your tech guy fit the "Tech Bully" definition on John Phillip's blog?
  • Is it actually possible to ever get all the gremlins worked out of any system, computer or otherwise? It just keeps life interesting. Our techies are definitely not bullies no matter how many requests we throw at them.

    Glad to see you are reading John Phillips' blog. If you haven't already commented on his posts, please do. He enjoys going back and forth with his readers.
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