Pay for days off

This is a simple question that gives me a lot of trouble. When an employee takes time of work due to sickness or personal business, can a company require that employee to use accrued vacation time or sick leave time. The issue is....employees want to take the time off without pay in order to save their vacation time. What is your policy?
Good luck!
TPTB then realized that absences declined once the employee had no PTO left.
If an employee is on approved FMLA for themself they do not have to use PTO; they may take time off without pay for FMLA and "save" vacation for later. I still haven't been able to talk management out of this policy.
To confuse things even more, our disability policy states that employees must substitute PTO for the elimination period if they are out on short-term disability even though FMLA is running concurrently.
Thereafter, time off is fully excused but not compensable. Your last paragraph seems to echo this. A general warning is not to let FMLA time be used without clear communication that these days are FMLA days with the requirememt for medical documentation of the event and suchlike.
The Colonel