Cost of Living Increases

Hello - I am Becky G. from Birmingham, AL. We have to implement an across the board raise percentage of 3% for 2008. Anyone that we believe deserves merit increases above this percentage must be approved by our corporate office. Also, If we want someone to go above this amount, someone else has to take a lower increase. Was wondering if anyone has a higher cost of living increase that you are using. This does not seem adequate, as it doesn't really even cover the increased gas prices. Any input would be appreciated, even if your company is going with about the same percentages. I am just trying to understand.
My hubby works for the state. They only give COL increases, but they average 1 to 1-1/2%. They just go through about every 5-7 years and do market adjustments.
Good luck!
We re-did our salary structure a year ago and I've been working really hard since then to drag people back to thinking more carefully about what they give as "merit" increases and whether or not they are truly earned. So far it seems to be working, but of course like anything else that HR does, it will have to be constantly reinforced or they'll begin to drift back into their old habits!
Among the county's interesting tales is the story of the Civil War battle that wasn't - which is also the story of the region's "Kingdom of Callaway" moniker. In October 1861, a force of several hundred Union troops under General John B. Henderson moved west through neighboring Montgomery County and advanced on Callaway. Colonel Jefferson F. Jones, who lived in eastern Callaway County, heard of the Union advance and quickly mustered his own "army" to defend the county. Most of the county's able-bodied men were already away at war; the county's soldiers were represented in both the Union and the Confederacy. Colonel Jones' "army" was composed largely of determined old men and boys, ill-armed and ill-equipped for battle. As the Callaway troops marched east to meet the Union forces, they dragged along with them wooden logs shaped and painted to resemble artillery pieces. They deployed these "cannons" along the county line and built extra campfires to make the Union general think his opposition was stronger than it really was. In the end, the ruse worked - not a single shot was fired. The bamboozled Union general spent several days negotiating with Colonel Jones and finally signed a treaty with the determined Callaway officer! Henderson agreed that the United States of America would not invade Callaway County as long as Colonel Jones did not invade the United States. Elated from the successful defense, citizens proclaimed their county "The Kingdom of Callaway," and the name still remains today.
We gave her a 6th-grade level math test, and she missed 20 out of 20. She complained because we didn't let her use a calculator. Just for fun, I let her retake it with a calculator. She missed 20 again. When I looked at her application, I noticed that this applicant - born and raised in Fulton - spelled it "Fulltin". Not just once, but numerous times. According to her application, she was even a graduate of "Fulltin High School".
I hear she is now working for a community bank there.