Training hours count toward OT?

I know we have to pay employees for training off-site when we initiate it. Do these training hours count toward overtime for the week? Also, do we have to pay for his commute time to the training site and then to home? Thnaks for your help.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This could vary by state but here we would count all hours towards overtime. We also pay for to and from travel time for training, assuming it is away from the EE's community and work location. But this travel pay is our choice and may or may not be regulated. If the training is within "normal" commuting distance, i.e., what they would normally travel to and from work, we would not pay additional.

  • Prolly so. The FLSA is quite clear on the primary criteria for training time as compensable hours:
    * generally within normal working hours and attendance is generally expected by the employee
    * training is related to the employee's job &
    * the training involves some type of productive work.
    In the absence of MN law proscribing something different, I'd go w/the national standard.
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