Comp time for nonexempts?

I've recently seen and heard of a couple of policies where employers allow comp time for nonexempt employees on a voluntary basis, up to a certain limit, and even allow it to carry over and be paid upon termination.
This is completely against anything I understand about FLSA, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Have the regs changed/loosened?
This is completely against anything I understand about FLSA, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Have the regs changed/loosened?
I believe it is only illegal to offer comp time for exempt EEs outside of the public sector.
I'll bet some FLSA experts will chime in.
"The two companies I've heard from with comp time policies are a private university and a public television company. I would call them not-for-profit, which I think is different from public, correct?"
Generally, that is correct ... non-profit corporations are private sector employers, incorporated under state corporation statutes, and with tax-exemption (if they are tax-exempt) granted by the IRS. The caveat with your two examples as I see it would be that the "public television company" may or may not be a separately incorporated entity ... some are structured as departments of a university, for example, which MAY make it a public sector entity.
The other issue raised by your question would be that if, in fact, both the "private university" and the "public television company" are actually private sector employers (either profit or non-profit), then they should not have "comp time" policies, unless the policies PROHIBIT comp time, as it is not allowable under FLSA for private sector employers.
Thanks for those private emails to clear this up.
Exempt employees, comp time is fine.