Payday exceptions for bad weather

Hello everyone! My question is similar to that of atherese, MN a few posts below.
This may be something that TX employers will be able to help me on.
Texas has something called the Payday Law, governing (you guessed it) employee pay. This week we have had some wonderfully wintry weather (nice alliteration!) in central Texas, which required us to shut down early on Monday the 15th, and we haven't been back to work since.
Our payday was the 15th, but since we had to shut down, payroll did not get done. We do all our payroll manually in-house, and I am worried that by not getting payroll out we are violating some sort of statute. We have a few employees that basically love to threaten lawsuits, so when I go back to work (hopefully tomorrow), I'd like to be prepared regarding any potential legal action they have against us. I tried looking at the Payday Law, but couldn't find anything addressing this situation.
Has anyone had any experience with this law or insight they could share?
Thanks guys!
Happily Cold in Texas,
This may be something that TX employers will be able to help me on.
Texas has something called the Payday Law, governing (you guessed it) employee pay. This week we have had some wonderfully wintry weather (nice alliteration!) in central Texas, which required us to shut down early on Monday the 15th, and we haven't been back to work since.
Our payday was the 15th, but since we had to shut down, payroll did not get done. We do all our payroll manually in-house, and I am worried that by not getting payroll out we are violating some sort of statute. We have a few employees that basically love to threaten lawsuits, so when I go back to work (hopefully tomorrow), I'd like to be prepared regarding any potential legal action they have against us. I tried looking at the Payday Law, but couldn't find anything addressing this situation.
Has anyone had any experience with this law or insight they could share?
Thanks guys!
Happily Cold in Texas,