Mandatory Breaks in Texas?

Is it requried for hourly employees to receive breaks in Texas after a certain number of hours worked?


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Not that I know of - it's my understanding that the TX Workforce Commission follows FLSA rules on that issue - breaks are not mandatory. I'm sure you can find more information on the TWC website.


  • I think you're right, Caffeine Queen. I checked our [|50x50 book] and it says TX ers don't have to offer breaks. Texans must have strong bladders.

    James Sokolowski
  • Speaking of shameless plugs...........
  • x:o What?!? I don't do shameless plugs of HR Hero products on the Forum! Because if I did, then I'd plug [b][|Basic Training for Supervisors][/b], a new series of booklets that I just finished producing. I'd explain that you can choose among 12 quick-reading booklets for supervisors and managers on topics like Hiring, Employee Rights, Documentation, and Employee Health. And I'd brag that the booklets in [b][|Basic Training for Supervisors][/b] are spiffy-looking and interesting enough that your company's supervisors will actually read them. And I wouldn't leave out that the booklets are priced so you can buy them in bulk ... that is, if I were the kind of guy to do shameless plugs. x:-8

    As you can see, there's no way I'm going to plug HR Hero products such as [b][|Basic Training for Supervisors][/b]. It wouldn't be dignified.

    James Sokolowski
    Editor, [|Basic Training for Supervisors]
  • Great restraint being shown. Isn't that highlighted in the Basic Training for Supervisors?
  • The information I found regarding breaks follows:

    Breaks are not required, but if given, certain rules apply. They are considered "coffee breaks" if kept under 20 minutes and are to be paid time.

    At our company, we allow two breaks per day and ask that each break be under 15 minutes. Hourly employees clock out for breaks and if they go over 20 minutes, the time is docked.

    I found this info from the TWC. Hopes this helps.
  • In 2002 I talked with the TWC. I was told that they go by fed laws on breaks, over time, rounding, etc.
    E Wart
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