To Dock or Not To Dock

I know that PTO banks may be docked for exempt employees for partial days, but we cannot dock their pay.

I would like to know if you observe this policy, and if so, have you had any problems. Does it decrease abuse of time off for exempts, or is it just a pain for managers to keep up with?

Thanks for your guidance.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I just commented on this on another thread - we do not dock leave banks for partial days. We are lucky in that our salaried employees typically go too far the other way and work an awful lot. This is a way of providing some benefit to being salaried, versus the detriment of putting in long days and getting only thanks (if that).

    If we were to have an exempt abusing the policy, I think we would address it via discipline that they are not getting their required work done.
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