Exempt and vacation

I have an exempt employee that two monthes ago took two weeks off and was paid for the vaction time. Now two monthes later, the employee is claiming that during that vacation she worked a few hours every day at home. Should she have been required to use her vacation time for all, some, or none of the time???


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Welcome to the Forum, Ortho_ok!

    Two months later?!? Sounds fishy to me. Do you believe she really worked? I'd make her submit a written statement of the hours she worked each day and what she worked on. Count that as work time and the rest as vacation.

    If you doubt her story, you could write her up for violating payroll procedures.

    James Sokolowski
  • Yes, welcome to the forum! The only caution I have is regarding your specific policy (which you may not have - and you will want to get!) - how do you handle exempt employees who work partial days and plan a partial vacation day? Do you require them to use time?

    We only require exempt employees to use vacation if they do not work any of the day. I agree that two months later sounds awfully fishy, and you may want to consider a documentation of a conversation about proper payroll reporting procedures, so everyone knows what is expected - if not an actual write up.

    Good luck!
  • It's interesting how things seem to come up months later!!!
    But if she was working, we have to pay her for it. Again, get the documentation you need for the hours worked and adjust her time accordingly.
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