Week of July 4th closed

If the company is closed for the entire week, would exempt employees be paid or could we require them the use vacation or time off W/O pay?

I am thinking because of being closed the entire week it would change the pay rule?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'd recommend calling your state wage and hour office to be sure. I tend to err on the side of caution (pay the exempts since it's your decision to close) much to my president's dismay.

    There are a couple of manufacturing plants in our area that have a mandatory shutdown for a couple of weeks a couple of times a year, but I don't know how they handle exempts. They may require them to come in and work.
  • This was from the state of Washington website:

    4. If a company shuts down for one week due to lack of work and none of the salaried employees receive payment, does this destroy the salary basis?

    No. Payment of salary is not required in particular weeks in which an employee or employees perform no work regardless of the circumstances. This includes weeks in which a holiday or holidays or vacation days occur and the company shuts down for the remaining days in that week.

    For the link, go here: [url]http://www.lni.wa.gov/WorkplaceRights/files/policies/esa91.pdf[/url]

    Enjoy the week off.
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