Policy on Comping Exempt people


Our company has the rather new problem of what to do to help exempt staff members who end up traveling and working over the weekend, thus working every day for many days and weeks in a row and getting burned out. We would like to offer a new policy to be used only for these particular positions that now have to travel a lot. We also don't want to be "required" to give them a comp day off, rather we want them to have it available to them if they decide to use it, otherwise they lose it. We also don't want all of the exempt employees in the whole company to think that this is now a "company policy". There are plenty of exempt employees who know that once in a while, they just have to work a Saturday to get caught up, without expecting a day off during the week, unless they have already talked with their manager about it. If anyone is doing something such as this, any advice would be appreciated by yours truly.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Be careful, BG, of tracking so-called "overtime" (you call it comp time) hours worked for an exempt employee. You run the risk of them losing their exempt status if you make too big a deal about tracking hours.
  • We do not have a "program" to figure out and offer comp. time to exempt ee's. We do however, at our Sr. Management meetings discuss those exempt ee's that go above and beyond the call of duty in putting in extra time due to special projects, extensive business travel, etc. and decide if we should offer them a little paid time off in reward for their efforts. But we do this on a one on one basis rather than a written program stating when and how much. So far this is working very well for us.
  • We do basically the same as Dutch. My standard line is that there is no such thing as comp time, but if our president chooses to grant exempt employees additional paid time off at his discretion based on their performance and workload, he may do so. I worry that sounds a bit too discretionary at times, but like the others we have said, we wish this to be on a case by case basis.
  • We work our employees like dogs until they whimper and die...oh wait! That was another company I worked for.

    Here if someone really goes above and beyond the call of duty we either offer them a day off or give them a bonus. The bonus is more rare, and usually appreciated more. However, if we had an employee who had to do this over and over again, it would definitely be an occassional extra day off.

    Good luck!

  • We just allow our exempt employees to flex their schedule when they need some time off if they have worked a grueling week or two. We also do not charge exempt employees PTO if they work any part of a work day. If they come in and work part of a day, and want to take the rest of the day off for some reason, this is not charged against them. I've found the time is usually a wash.
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