Wage Assignment from Canada
3 Posts
We just got a package of info from a company in Canada called Sonic Payday LTD requesting us to withhold a payment from an ee's paycheck. Included was a Declaration of Wage Assignment and an electronic signature from the ee along with his SSN.
We always require a court order (or something from the IRS) before withholding payments. Do we just ignore this? Send them a letter saying we need a court order from our state (Maryland)?
We've never seen anything like this before. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
We always require a court order (or something from the IRS) before withholding payments. Do we just ignore this? Send them a letter saying we need a court order from our state (Maryland)?
We've never seen anything like this before. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Did you do an internet search? This sounds like a payday loan company (red flag), and the fact that they are in Canada sends up a whole flurry of flags. Yikes.