Take it from their pay?

Okay - I'm trying to find a resource/law or something that I can use to explain to my management that you cannot just take deductions from an employees pay without their authorization and it must be authorized for exact dollar amounts. Any suggestions?
Therefore, it can be done, however, it must be documented and signed by the individual ee and HR.
Any wording I've seen from our local wage and hour division is vague and could be applied either way.
I put the following line on the signature page of our handbook -
______ I agree that (our company) can deduct funds owed by me to (company) from my paycheck.
and then I have them initial in the blank, in addition to signing their name that they have read and understand the policies. My payroll clerk doesn't believe me that it is legal, though, so I don't know if she'd do it even if we wanted her to.
We do have employees who are issued equipment (cell phones, laptops, etc.) that they agree they will return the equipment upon termination or the cost will be deducted from their final pay. In any event, you still cannot deduct their pay below what would qualify as minimum wage.
I personally have a problem with employees "stealing" from the company and then the company not being able to recoup in their final pay. The same goes with salaried employees who go into negative PTO status and then terminate. I believe you should be able to recoup this from their final pay.
Unfortunately, the law sees it otherwise!