Part Time IT position

At this time, we don't have a dedicated IT associate. The person doing those duties actually works in our sales division, but has the skills and desire to perform these tasks. He is asking that we allow him to work his regular job during the day and perform the IT duties two to three nights a week.
I'm trying to decide what the best course of action is. We do not have enough work to support a FT IT associate, but I don't really think the associate's proposal is the best way to go.
Do any of you have one person performing separate functions like this? If so, do you pay a different rate for each function? If you pay two different rates, do you average them when paying overtime?
I'm trying to decide what the best course of action is. We do not have enough work to support a FT IT associate, but I don't really think the associate's proposal is the best way to go.
Do any of you have one person performing separate functions like this? If so, do you pay a different rate for each function? If you pay two different rates, do you average them when paying overtime?
One problem I see with saving IT duties until the evening is what if Sally's computer dies at noon? Is she without a computer until that evening when the dual employee puts on his IT hat?
I don't pretend to have the answers because we are going through our own growing pains right now. Good luck with your dilemma.