Tool for Pay Grade set-up?
5 Posts
I'm a fairly new HR person, and have been asked by my Director to review our pay grades (which are in dire need of help!) Recently, we added a new program here at our agency, which also created several new positions that we have not yet placed on our pay grades. Is there some type of tool out there that can help determine where to place these folks on our scales? Also - for those who are currently using some type of scale/grade - do all new hires start at the same rate of pay (or the bottom of the pay scale) or do you base your starting pay upon experience? Thanks for any help.
We did contract with a company about 6 years ago that came in with a set formula to determine grade levels and a salary ranges for each grade. They had about 20-24 different categories that we determined for every position to set the grade levels. We have used a version of this system ever since with very good results. However this company specialized in banks.
Good luck...
I'm in banking as well. I'm curious what company you used that specialized in banks -- would you mind sharing the name and contact information?
Hmm - just got off on a tangent - sorry about that.
I'd recommend assigning new positions at least temporarily to some pay scale. If you're already paying someone to perform the job, stick 'em in the pay scale that matches the rate of pay. If you don't assign for a while, I can imagine the employees insisting on huge raises before the salary survey gets completed, and they'll provide their own "evidence" of what they think they deserve.