Walge Survey Health Care

I need some advice on wages for LPN's RN's. I work for a non-profit A & D Facility, and we are in desperate need of qualified LPN's & RN's. I am in the southeast TN area. Does anyone have a salary scale that they use? I have looked at the Department of Labor website, and we seem to be low for that survey. Anyone in my area have any numbers they can share with me? Thanks, Desperate in a new job!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I used to work in a health care facility. I couldn't find valuable data either, for those positions or for CNA's. What you can do is relatively easy. Type up a survey page of your own. Include: Position title, minimum pay, maximum pay. Ask if shift bonuses, weekend pay, and other incentives are offered. Keep it simple. Call up about 5 - 10 other health care providers who employe RN's, LPN's and CNA's. Ask them if they would be willing to participate in your salary survey and recieve a complimentary copy of the restults. You should have a good basis for comparison within days. I have to tell you though, it wasn't always about the pay in recruiting or retaining qualified nursing staff.

    Welcome to the forum, by the way!!
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