Exempt Employees - New FLSA changes regarding tracking their time

My question: Can anyone point me to the spot on the dol website that addresses the change in the FLSA that basically sanctions employers tracking actual hours worked for exempt employees (I know I read that when the new changes first came out and just can't seem to find it now.)
The reason: My firm just purchased an electronic time sheet system that allows/requires employees to log-in their start time and log-out for breaks, lunches, etc. They are also asking the Exempt staff to do the same, which is an idea I am perfectly O.K. with as we have suspected for some time that several of our exempt staff are not putting in 40 hours (yes, I know that 40 doesn't make a person exempt and we plan to approach the issue with the individuals in question as performance based and not Thou Shall Work 40 Hours or more or else).
The reason: My firm just purchased an electronic time sheet system that allows/requires employees to log-in their start time and log-out for breaks, lunches, etc. They are also asking the Exempt staff to do the same, which is an idea I am perfectly O.K. with as we have suspected for some time that several of our exempt staff are not putting in 40 hours (yes, I know that 40 doesn't make a person exempt and we plan to approach the issue with the individuals in question as performance based and not Thou Shall Work 40 Hours or more or else).