salaried lunches

I have a salaried employee who I make clock in and out so that there is no dispute about overtime etc. Now she has stopped clocking out for lunch and just working a 8 hour day that includes her lunch (usually 15 to 30) minutes. Her argument is that she is still in the building and working while she eats. I say she has to work at least 8.5 hours and take a minumum half hour unpaid lunch or we are violating state break rules.
Duty-Free Lunch
Under Tex. Educ. Code Ann. § 21.405, classroom teachers and full-time librarians in public education are entitled to at least a 30-minute lunch period free from all duties and responsibilities associated with instructing and supervising students.
For me the key word in that statement is entitled. It doesn't say required. If she doesn't take the lunch I do not think you are breaking the state break laws. You do have the right to set her working hours and if you want her to work 8.5 hours w/ a 1/2 lunch you can do that.
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