Firefighter Pay for Training

I have a situation that I am not sure how to handle. Some of our ff's are now instructors for training. When they teach a training session, do they get paid overtime or are they contract labor with a 1099, or how do I handle this. I am getting conflicting information when I google this and I want some facts before I meet with the Fire Chief on this issue. Any help would be appreciated.
I would think you should also revise the job description to include something like: "May, upon certification, train or assist in the training and instruction of other personnel, as assigned."
Sorry for the long post and once again, thanks for the input.
P.S. How does a 24 on, 24 off...96 off schedule work? Do you have 3 crews? I can't make that fit a calendar. Just curious.
I have tried explaining that to the Chief. It is like he doesn't want to acknowledge that we have grown and these guys aren't just volunteers anymore. He just keeps telling me that it was cleared through our attorney and it is ok. However, I do not know if our attorney "cleared" this while we were still a majority volunteer dept or since we have switched to majority paid. It makes a difference.
We try to have all the training conducted when they are "on", even if it involves multiple sessions. If I recall, a sister city sent FF's to the training academy, after they were on the force for 6 months, and they charged them with overtime for travel time.
It's a great job 98% of the time.
Also, so when does your overtime hours kick in? And if you pay weekly, that would seem to produce a BIG check one week and a little bitty check the next? Thanks.
Nine work days a month, A great job. Everyone has a second job.
Don't tell anyone, but we average pay so employees don't get varying checks. A nightmare!
Thanks Hunter1, you explained the shift schedule better than I did!