fundraising and overtime

Our non-profit is new to fundraising.
When staff volunteer to man bake sales and concession booths at special events are they on the clock? What about when they are making items to sell?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • JEL, I'm going to try to dig back to my former nonprofit life and give you examples of how we handled things . . . of course, I have no laws to back me on this, just "fond memories".

    Employees cannot volunteer to do their regular job duties. (You knew that!) Whether or not fundraising falls in their duties, I don't know. When you work for a nonprofit, I might say that's part of your job that falls under "other duties as assigned" regardless of what the description says.

    I would say also it depends on the event. I'm not sure what type of NP you are, but (for example) if they were having a bake sale AND handing out information on your programs (or whatever) and it's at a health fair, they're on the clock. (NPs have to take every marketing opportunity they get!) If it's concessions at the local high school basketball game, that is kind of a different ball of wax.

    Perhaps marc will weigh in with some experience. And by the way, marc, speaking of fundraising - I ordered a Stone Soup cookbook a few days ago for my nieces. Any idea how soon those typically ship??? Christmas is a ways off, so there's time.

    (Sorry, JEL, I don't mean to hijack your post!)
  • Thanks for the order HRCalico. They ship those things out pretty fast. Did you order on our web site? It's a fun book to use with your kids. Hope you enjoy it.

    As to the volunteer question, this can be a can of worms issue for non-profits. In our state, and for our company, it is allowed. I called our State people and asked them directly. After hemming and hawing a bit, they indicated it would be acceptable if:
    1. It is not a part of their regular duties,
    2. They know they are volunteering; and
    3. They are not being coerced to work.

    The State EE suggested we have each volunteer sign an acknowledgement of the above facts and then stated we would be ok.
    Of course, the exempts get to do this work without the form - does not impact their paycheck. It can be an issue though if an exempt EE is injured while working as a volunteer and then expects WC to kick in. WC does not apply to volunteers, so no coverage available there.

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