bonus payment

We are revising our monthly attendance bonus policy. We are an Indiana employer.
One line in the policy states, "Bonuses earned in one month will be paid by the 18th of the following month."
An executive wants to add this requirement, "Must be an active employee on the date the bonus is to be paid."
I think it is probably illegal not to pay a bonus that has already been earned but not yet paid when a termination occurs. Am I right?
One line in the policy states, "Bonuses earned in one month will be paid by the 18th of the following month."
An executive wants to add this requirement, "Must be an active employee on the date the bonus is to be paid."
I think it is probably illegal not to pay a bonus that has already been earned but not yet paid when a termination occurs. Am I right?
However, what is the right thing to do? Pay the bonus. If you don't the smart one's will just wait 18 days to quit. Is the bad will worth 18 extra days?
Are you including the bonus in their OT calculation?
James Sokolowski