New minimum salary requirement

Some of our exempt staff members do not make the newly mandated $455 per week in base pay. However, each month, they recieve commissions that, when factored in with their base pay, would have them meeting or exceeding the $455 threshold if calculating thier pay on a weekly average basis. Their annual income well exceeds the $23,660/yr level, but there are months when their commissions are minimal or even $0. Can I rely on a annual salary, inclusive of commisions to keep them exempt, or do they have to meet the $455 weekly salary basis, regardless of bonuses or commissions?
If they are involved in sales, you may wish to consider the outside sales exemption or the retail/service establishment exemption for commission paid employees.
Al Vreeland
Editor, Alabama Employment Law Letter
Lehr Middlebrooks Price & Vreeland, P.C.