dock deliquent driver's pay?

One of our truck drivers was pulled over in a company delivery truck for a traffic violation, at which time the officer discovered there was a warrant out for his arrest due to a personal hot check he had written. He was arrested and taken to jail right then, and our truck with freight on board was impounded. In order to make the deliveries we paid to get the truck out (not much $450.00). Our feeling is to deduct for this charge from the drivers paycheck, but our company manual is vague on this. It does mention if equipment is lost, or compromised, due to negligence on the part of the driver that disciplinary action/termination could ensue.
We feel the driver made a mistake in his personal life, and we will continue to employee him, but we don't feel we should have to pick up the impounding charges because of it. Especially since we lost a day of deliveries with that one vehicle, and a couple of other employees had to be used to retrieve the truck etc. taking time away from their usual duties. I guess I wanted to see if anyone has a similar situation and how it was handled. Or, if we should let it go and chalk it up to the trials and tribs. of doing business.
We feel the driver made a mistake in his personal life, and we will continue to employee him, but we don't feel we should have to pick up the impounding charges because of it. Especially since we lost a day of deliveries with that one vehicle, and a couple of other employees had to be used to retrieve the truck etc. taking time away from their usual duties. I guess I wanted to see if anyone has a similar situation and how it was handled. Or, if we should let it go and chalk it up to the trials and tribs. of doing business.