paycheck delay

For convenience purposes, our second shift hourly employees receive their paychecks on Thursday. We do this so that they can go to the bank and cash their checks on Friday before coming to work. Of course, you know the ramifications of this practice. One employee quite often takes off on Friday.
Would there be a problem if we withhold this individual's paycheck until Friday? Of course we would let him know we are doing this ahead of time and our reason for doing it. We don't want to penalize the whole shift by doing this, just one person who can't seem to make it to work on Fridays. Thanks.
Would there be a problem if we withhold this individual's paycheck until Friday? Of course we would let him know we are doing this ahead of time and our reason for doing it. We don't want to penalize the whole shift by doing this, just one person who can't seem to make it to work on Fridays. Thanks.
Ohio requires that employers pay employees at least semimonthly. On or before the 1st of the month, employers must pay all wages earned from the 1st to the 15th of the preceding month. On or before the 15th of the month, employers must pay all wages earned from the 16th through the last day of the preceding month.
If a written contract between the employer and employees provides otherwise or if the custom of the industry dictates otherwise, employers need not follow this requirement.
Employees absent on paydays must be paid on demand any time thereafter at the usual place of payment. Employers must pay all wages due a deceased employee first to the surviving spouse, than to any children 18 or older, and then to the mother or father of the deceased employee.
I would not alter the pay day for one person. Your are missing the unacceptable behavior. It's not that he's getting his paycheck on Thursday, it's that he's missing work. Can't you discipline him for missing work?
By keeping the ee beyond the training and orientation period you are clearily booking a date with "wrongful discharge" or some other legal term in which you have to spend time in defense of your actions. As Don has often written, why buy more work for one's self?
I am reminded of an excellent (or so I thought) worker who worked temporary for us for three months and we had planned on hiring her permanent. Two weeks before we were to put her on permanent, she started exhibiting bad habits picked up from one of her co-workers about not clocking in and out appropriately. She was told once about this and she did it again. We just gave her the "no thanks" the Friday before she was to start on Monday as a permanent employee. She cried, begged and all but wallowed on the floor, but we would not hire.
We've just begun taking a hard time with behavior antics of newly hired employees. We warn them once and if they choose not to shape up, they are gone the next time they exhibit the behavior.
Having said that I see no reason not to include it in an attendance policy. We track hours of unavailability and if there is a no call no report it hits the unavailability hours along with discipline for general misconduct.
My "why" was directed to them not including it in the attendance policy. We include it in ours and they get a warning for the NCNS as well as an attendance violation.
During the initial 3-month trial period, every absence generates a notice to the employee, which the employee must sign, stating how many points remain, etc. This way we have documentation proving that the employee clearly understood that if they missed work again, for ANY reason, they would be terminated.
2nd point - the attendance issue should not be dealt with by holding his check. Is there anyone in this employees chain of command that supports your view that this ees attendance needs to be dealt with NOW? If so you may want them to also express their wishes on dealing with this situation immediately.
Good luck, if the powers that be wish to run out the point system on this guy there really isn't much that you can do. I would document your recommendation to them and wait out the clock.