Time & One Half for working a holiday

Our business was closed on Mon 7/5 in observance of Independence Day. We offer Holiday pay.
A non-exempt employee who sets his own schedule opted to come in to work that day.
Because he worked, I don't want to pay him Holiday pay, but what about time & one half for his hours worked that day? We have no policy on this, as until now nobody has worked on a holiday. (That I'm aware of!) Does the FLSA have anything to say about this, or is it up to our discretion?
I'll create a policy after we determine how to handle this one.
A non-exempt employee who sets his own schedule opted to come in to work that day.
Because he worked, I don't want to pay him Holiday pay, but what about time & one half for his hours worked that day? We have no policy on this, as until now nobody has worked on a holiday. (That I'm aware of!) Does the FLSA have anything to say about this, or is it up to our discretion?
I'll create a policy after we determine how to handle this one.
If he worked on the company's holiday then you need to pay him work time. Whether you want to pay him an extra rate because it was on a compnay holiday is up to your company's policy. Or, your company could let him accumulate the paid holiday time to be used later. Or it could do nothing extra.