Shift overlaps

I work in the healthcare industry and am curious what other employers do in the situation when a shift begins in one workweek and ends in another. Our workweek is 12:01 am Sunday to 12:00 midnight Saturday, the night shift is 7:00pm to 7:00am. Overtime is calculated on a 40 hour workweek. On Saturday night, when the workweek ends, do ee's working the night shift clock out then back in (for the new workweek) or calculate their overtime including all 12 hours in the same workweek? Our time clocks include all hours for that shift in the same workweek unless ee's clock out.
If an employee leaves the building for lunch (after midnight) and comes back on Sunday, it's still part of the Saturday shift so some adjustments need to be made, but it still counts as Saturday.
I hope that is clearly explained.