holiday pay/ot

Please help!! Recently we had an employee who worked on the holiday. Our policy is to pay time and a half for working the holiday plus 8 hours of holiday pay if they cannot take the day off later in the week. This employee could not take the day off later. She then worked an additional shift (12 hours). So she actually worked 48 hours that week of which 12 were on the holiday. Would you suggest that we pay additional OT on the 8 hours worked plus her 12 hours at time and a half?? Or are we OK (since we paid time and a half for the 12 hours of holiday pay) in not paying the additional OT??
Please let me know your input -- the employee feels she should be paid the OT and we have not run into this before.
Please let me know your input -- the employee feels she should be paid the OT and we have not run into this before.
We pay overtime for hours worked only. Holiday, vacation and sick are not worked and do not get calculated toward overtime.
FLSA does not require that an employer include paid time off in an overtime calculation.