Employees working weekends

We have one employee who was hired to work night shift on the weekends. She puts in 3 12hr shifts beginning on Friday nights. Vacation is accrued on the number of hours worked so she is never able to accrue the 3.08 hrs for vacation or sick leave for the 2 week pay period. There is no permanent employee to work the day shift on weekends. One of the regular staff workers during the week will be assigned a weekend. This employee will not have to work during the week and will work 3 12hr. shifts for weekend days. This employee even though they are only working 36hrs will be paid for 40hrs. as an incentative to work. Can this be done or will the night time employee need to be paid 40hrs?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Looks OK to me. Even though you are not stating it this way, you are simply paying a temporary shift premium to the employee filling in.

  • I would make sure and record the actual hours worked as 36 and then pay either an hourly rate that will yield the same as 40 hours or a shift differential. If you show 40 hours worked during the 3 shifts and for some reason the person has to stay over, you may run into an overtime situation. With a 36 hour workweek, you have 4 extra hours before you have to worry about time and one-half.
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