Did the Senate override the new regs?

Everyone keeps talking about the new overtime regulations but didn't the Senate override them on May 4, 2004?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • jscheidter,
    On the home page for this website, under "HR Tools," please click on the link to: "Article: What Senate Really Did." Yes, the Senate has passed a bill to block the new regs, but the House isn't expected to pass it. And the DOL is proceeding as if the regs aren't dead. Federal Employment Law Insider and the state Employment Law Letters are staying on top of this issue. Hope this helps.

    Tony Kessler, director of editorial
    M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
    (615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
  • This attempt failed in the House, so as of now the regs are still slated to become effective in August.
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