On-Call Policies

Would anyone be willing to share their on-call pay policy?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our policy pays our construction department pays a selected employee between $75 - $100 per week to be on call. Then if the employee gets called to a job site they receive their hourly rate of pay and any applicable overtime or double time pay.

    Our IT department get $300.00 to be on call per week. Then if the employee gets called to service they receive their hourly rate of pay and any applicable overtime or double time pay.

  • Can you tell me what kind of industry you are in?

  • We have a building/grounds person who is on call for any alarm calls or building problems.

    If he is called by the alarm company after hours he gets paid for 4 hours straight time.

    This happens frequently because someone didn't enter the code before leaving or sometimes employees come in at night/weekends to work and forget to set the alarm and sometimes it's weather related that sets the alarm off.

    Our IT dept. is on call too. They do not get extra pay for a call (usually from our out of state division) but the IT Director will give comp time (secretivly) if they spent a lot of time with the call.

  • Well we do a bunch of different things Construction (bringing or updating CATV lines). We also provide IT engineers for businesses, provide network monitoring, and computer products. In addition we are an authorized service repair for several computer companies.
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