Meal and Rest Breaks Required?

I know that FLSA has no requirement for meal or rest breaks, however, my understanding is that there can be state requirements. Does anyone know if New Jersey has such requirements? Someone mentioned to me that NJ requires a 30 minutes meal break after 6 hours of work. I've searched the NJ DOL site, but can't find an answer. Does anyone know or direct me to another site that my have the answer? Thank you. Feel free to email me.
>7 states that had state requirements regarding
>rest periods. Those states included: CA, CO,
>KY, MN, NV,OR, and WA. NJ is not one. See the
>following link:
MEAL breaks are seperate from REST periods and each state is different. There are other states that do require an unpaid 1/2 hour or 20 minute meal period. The seven above only apply to REST breaks, not MEALS.
It does not appear that NJ is one of them unless you have employees under the age of 18.
The posting below is from the NJ DOL website.
However, depending on the number of hours your employees work, you may want to give them some type of break or lunch.
A. Mandatory break laws apply only to minors under the age of 18. Company policy dictates break and lunch periods for anyone over the age of 18. Minors under the age of 18 must be given a thirty (30) minute meal period after five (5) consecutive hours of work.
eal break requirement.
On a hunch, I did a search and found a thread that previously discussed this issue. At the top of this page, click on the Search button. Then type in "Lunch Breaks in NJ," run the search, and you'll see a link to the earlier thread, which ran its course back in March. Hope this isn't too late to help. tk