Exempt Employee asking for P/T - 3-Days a Week Exception

One of our employees, an exempt manager, will soon be going on Maternity Leave. She cannot afford to take off the full 12 weeks. A solution she has asked for is to come to work just 3 days a week (which would allow her more time with her baby).
I know that if an exempt employee comes in to work for a few hours, we have to pay them for the full day. I'm just not sure about P/T hours. Not sure if we would have to pay her for the full 40-hour week because she is exempt.
If we designate her job as being three days per week and specify that she would only be paid for 24 hours, is this legal if she is an exempt employee?
Any help you could give me would be much appreciatd.
Thanks so much,
I know that if an exempt employee comes in to work for a few hours, we have to pay them for the full day. I'm just not sure about P/T hours. Not sure if we would have to pay her for the full 40-hour week because she is exempt.
If we designate her job as being three days per week and specify that she would only be paid for 24 hours, is this legal if she is an exempt employee?
Any help you could give me would be much appreciatd.
Thanks so much,
The exempt employee's salary may be reduced for the missed hours without jeopardizing the exempt status.
See the Code of Federal Reulations, Section 825.206.