PT to FT

One of our ee's is going on FMLA / Parental Leave for the birth of her baby. During this time a part-time ee is going to step up and go full-time to help cover for the absence, then return to PT after the other ee returns. We are considering making a letter of agreement with her for the 6 weeks of expect full-time work, to state exactly how much vacation/sick/PTO she is eligible for. (We do not usually do accrual based calculations - but in this case we feel it necessary) We are not sure if this is the best approach and we want to set a president for the next time this happens. How have you seen this handled or administered this type of situation?
Our Part-time ee's are not eligble for certain benefits or paid time off of any sort.
Our Part-time ee's are not eligble for certain benefits or paid time off of any sort.
If your employee were to go back to PT (as I'm assuming there would not be a FT opening after the FMLA ee returns), how would you deal with PTO? Pay it out? Seems like too much trouble to me but perhaps others will have different opinions on this one.
I'd still put it in writing that they understand this and have them sign just to CYA.