Personal Day vs. Vacation Day in Michigan

My company would like to mandate that ee's can only take vacation days in blocks of 2 days or longer. If the request is for 1/2 or 1 day off, they want this time taken as paid personal time.
The reason for this decision is because one of our facilities is experiencing abuse of personal days policy - If dept. isn't busy, ee goes home for 1/2 day, putting it down as vacation time. Meanwhile, their personal days (everyone gets 5 days per calendar year)are still remaining and any remaining personal days are paid out at the end of the year. Vacation time does not rollover or get paid out if days remain at end of year.
This particular facility had many people getting the full 5 personal days paid out as a lump because they were remaining at end of 2003.
If an ee calls in sick (not within FMLA or STD situation), they would only be able to paid under personal days - if none left, they would be unpaid.
I just want to confirm that it is okay for company to mandate the ee to take vacation time for only 2 day or more requests. I don't agree with the decision because of other operational issues it raises, so your feedback is welcome before I meet with the VP that handed this down - before I was able to give my input mind you!
The reason for this decision is because one of our facilities is experiencing abuse of personal days policy - If dept. isn't busy, ee goes home for 1/2 day, putting it down as vacation time. Meanwhile, their personal days (everyone gets 5 days per calendar year)are still remaining and any remaining personal days are paid out at the end of the year. Vacation time does not rollover or get paid out if days remain at end of year.
This particular facility had many people getting the full 5 personal days paid out as a lump because they were remaining at end of 2003.
If an ee calls in sick (not within FMLA or STD situation), they would only be able to paid under personal days - if none left, they would be unpaid.
I just want to confirm that it is okay for company to mandate the ee to take vacation time for only 2 day or more requests. I don't agree with the decision because of other operational issues it raises, so your feedback is welcome before I meet with the VP that handed this down - before I was able to give my input mind you!
We have everything rolled into one PTO bank to be used for vacation, sick or personal time off. We do have a rollover provision though, up to 45 days.
Make sure you check your state laws to ensure that your "use it or lose it" policy for vacation is valid. Some states do not allow it.
James Sokolowski
Rockie & James, I appreciate your suggestion on moving everything into a PTO bank - I had campaigned for this solution a couple years ago when CEO complained of abusers, but management was not receptive to the concept (stuck in old ways! )
I think they will be forced to consider this option again if they want to stop the abuse. Thanks again!